ourse Description


Most, but not all people with disabilities develop normal teeth. They can get all of the same diseases as their nondisabled counterpoints, but they frequently suffer more dental disease. Some caregivers have the mistaken belief that the disabled person's teeth are not valuable to them and so care is neglected.On the part of the disabled person, there is sometimes an inability to understand the consequences of neglecting dental hygiene and care, or there is an inability to cooperate with dental treatment. Disabled people ordinarily need individualized, special types of help to achieve the same level of health as the nondisabled population.

 Course Objectives


Course Contents



Required Textbook

1.障害を持つ人たちのためのオーラルヘルスケア クインテッセンス

 2.障害者の歯科医療 医学情報社

 3.障害者歯科 医歯薬出版



Component Percentage




 期中考試  40%
 期末考試  40%