esson Topic Pdf
1  課程簡介 
2  實驗一、二課程講解 
Lecture for experiments 1 and 2
3  顯微鏡在生物學上的運用 
Biological application of microsope
4  食物中大分子的辨識 
Identification of macromolecules
5  實驗三、四課程講解 
Lecture for experiments 3 and 4
6  書籤製作 
Making bookmark
7  細胞呼吸和光合作用 
Cellular respiration and photosynthesis
8  影片欣賞 遺傳基因
Making Babies: Genetically Correct
9  分類學實驗講解 
Lecture for taxologic homework
10  分類學實驗製作 
Term paper for taxologic homework
11  老鼠解剖學概論及基本動物操作 
Mice anatomy and basic animal handling
12  老鼠灌流和老鼠去勢 
Animal perfusion and castration
13  期末考slide複習 
Slide review
14  課程討論 
15  課程討論及期末考 
Discussion and Finals