Course Description


The purpose of this course is to provide the student with the opportunity to understand the related issues about women at childbearing and use the knowledge of maternity period and communicative techniques for participate clinical care experiencing health problems to provide family-centered nursing care. Obstetric nursing focuses on a nursing-family-centered model of care. It contains a woman and her family’s care and adaptation during gestation and birth. The goal of this curriculum is to help students gain the knowledge and theory within the domain of obstetrics and maternity nursing, and to develop the skill of physical and psychological health promotion of the mother and her family members. The teaching team includes instructer Yu-Hua Chou;Yuh-Kae Shyu.

Course Objectives


1. 了解懷孕生產對婦女及家庭的意義及影響。

2. 了解母性角色及早期母子關係的發展。

3. 了解有關正常新生兒的知識,學習照護新生兒的技能。

4. 評估孕產婦之身、心、社會變化,以提供適當的護理。

5. 認識護理人員在產科護理中的角色與功能。

6. 了解民俗文化對孕產期照護的影響。

7. 認識不孕症、高危險孕產婦的健康需要及護理。

Required Textbook


1.Lowdermilk, D. L. & Perry, S. E. (2007). Maternity & Women’s Health Care (9th Ed.). St.Louis: Mosby.

2. Gorrie,T.M., McKinney,E.S.,& Murray, S. S. (1998). Foundations of Maternal-Newborn Nursing. (2nd. ed.). Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders.

3. May, K.A., Mahlmeister, L.R. (1994). Maternal & neonatal nursing - Family-centered care. J.B.Lippincott Co. Philadephia.

4.余玉眉總校閱‧(2004) ‧產科護理學(第四版)‧台北:新文京。

5.何美華等譯‧(2001) ‧產科護理學‧台北:高立。

6.李從業等‧(2008) ‧實用產科護理(五版一刷)‧台北:華杏。

8.馮容莊等‧(1997) ‧高危險妊娠護理‧台北:匯華。

9.夏萍絗‧(1997) ‧婦嬰護理學‧台北:空大。

10.黃璉華‧(1997) ‧優生保健‧台北:華杏。



Component Percentage
期中考 45%


平時課堂出席率 10%