Course Description


This course will enable students to develop a body of knowledge related to health care of women. Women's health will be understood and explored form the physiological, psychological, social, spiritual, and cultural aspects and life events. The course will assist students to learn how to promote and maintain health, within the context of women's lives.

Course Objectives


 1. 瞭解婦女健康的意義及範疇。

2. 認識女性經期常見的健康問題及照護。

3. 瞭解女性在不同階段可能面臨的健康問題,包括性、懷孕、不孕症、婚姻、家庭等。

 4. 說明婦女在健康照護體系中的角色。

 5. 認識與婦女相關的婦女團體。

 6. 應用於臨床或生活上的婦女照護。

1. Understand the meaning and scope of women's health

2. Understand the health problem and care during menstruation period

3. Learn about women’s health issues during different life cycle, including sex, marriage, family, birth, and infertility.

4. Describe women’s roles in health care system

5. Explore women’s related association or organizations

6. Apply women’s health knowledge to clinical practice or everyday life

Required Textbook


Alexander, L. L., LaRosa, J. H. & Bader, H. (2007). New Dimensions in Women’s Health (4th Ed.). London: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Fogel, C. I. & Woods, N F. (2008). Women’s health care in advanced practice nursing. New York: Springer. Murray, S. S.& McKinney, E. S. & (2009). Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing. Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders. Youngkin, E. Q. & Davis, M. S. (2004). Women’s Health: A Primary Care Clinical Guide (3rd Ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education.

王秀紅等(2002).婦女健康-理論與實務.台北:禾楓。 毛佳舲、鍾聿琳.(2002).婦女與健康.台北:空大。 余玉眉等(2008).婦女健康(第二版).台北:華杏。 祁安美等 (2009).婦女健康議題.台北:永大。 李從業等 (2008).實用產科護理(第五版).台北:華杏。 林淑玲等譯 (2008).婦女健康(上)(下).台北:五南。 周雨樺等(2007).產科護理學(第三版).台北:新文京。 徐家杰譯(2000).女性生殖器疾病護理.台北:五南。 晏涵文(2002).兩性關係與性教育.台北:空大。 孫吉珍等譯(2007).婦嬰護理學.台北:華姓。 盧碧瑛等 (2010).產科護理學.台北:華杏。




Component Percentage

