Course Description


This course is designed to train up the ability of aged career planning for the student. We help all students to understand the content and principle of career planning for the aged. And we hope that they could implement the career development concept and skill in the practice of gerontological care in the further.

Course Objectives


1. 具備老人生涯規劃的基本概念。

 2. 認可老人生涯規劃的必要性與重要性。

3. 了解老年生涯規劃之原則與內涵。

4. 運用相關知識於協助長者之生涯規劃。

5. 認識表達性藝術治療之應用。

6. 以圖像育療方式表達老人生涯規劃。

1.Students have the basic concepts of career planning for the elderly. 2.Students recognize the necessity and importance of career planning for the elderly. 3.Students understand the principles and meaning of the aged career planning. 4.Using relevant knowledge to help career planning for the elderly. 5.Recognizing the application of expressive art therapy. 6.Image treat expression of the career planning for the elderly.


Required Textbook



 1.詹火生校閱(2009)老人退休生涯規劃,初版,五南圖書出版 2.蔡培村主編(2003)老人學習與生涯發展,初版,麗文文化 3.卓春英著(2001)頤養天年,初版,巨流

1.詹火生校閱(2009)老人退休生涯規劃,初版,五南圖書出版 2.蔡培村主編(2003)老人學習與生涯發展,初版,麗文文化 3.卓春英著(2001)頤養天年,初版,巨流



Component Percentage
 出席率  10%


個人報告  30%
作業   20%