Lesson Topic
1 胸腔: 胸部與前胸壁 
thorax: pectoral region & anterior thoracic wall
2 上肢: 腋窩 
upper limb: axilla
3 上臂與肘窩 
arm and cubital fossa
4 前臂屈側與手掌 
flexor region of forearm & palm of hand
5 前臂伸側與手背 
extensor region of forearm & dorsum of hand
6 胸腔: 胸膜腔.肺臟與心臟 
thorax: pleural cavity, lung and heart
7 心臟與肺臟的解剖 
dissection of lung and heart
8 後縱膈與上縱膈 
posterior & superior mediastinum
9 正課期中筆試(1)
腹腔: 前腹壁與腹膜 
lecture examination (1)
abdomen: anterior abdominal wall & peritoneum
10 陰囊.精索.睪丸 
scrotum, spermatic cord & testis
11 消化道的解剖 
dissection of GI tract
12 後腹壁與橫膈 
posterior abdominal wall &  diaphragm
13 骨盆部與會陰部: 男性與女性的骨盆部與會陰部 
pelvis & perineum: male & female pelvis & perineum
14  泌尿生殖三角與骨盆底部 
urogenital triangle & pelvic floor
15 骨盆部對切(1) 
hemisection of pelvis (1)
16 骨盆部對切(2) 
hemisection of pelvis (2)
17 實驗期中跑臺考試
lab examination
lecture examination (2)
18 背部 
19 頭部: 顏面與頭皮 
head: face and scalp
20 移除顱蓋與枕骨 
removal of skull cap & occipital bone
21 腦膜與腦部 
meninges and brain
22 眼眶與眼球 
orbit and eyeball
23 耳下區與顳區 
parotid and temporal regions
24 正課期中考(3)
lecture examination (3)
triangles of neck
25 頸部臟器與頸根部 
cervical viscera and root of neck
26 取下頭部與咽部 
removal of head & pharynx
27 頭部對切與鼻腔 
bisection of head & nasal cavities
28 口腔與喉部 
mouth and larynx
29 下肢: 大腿前側與內側 
lower limb: anterior and medial region of thigh
30 臀部與肛門 
gluteal region and anal region
31 小腿與足背 
leg and dorsum of foot
32 足底部 
33 下肢關節 
joint of lower limb